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Heads of Publishing
Sabine Fourrier, MOM federation manager and Gérard Charpentier MOM federation co-manager
Managing editor
Chrisine OBERLIN, platform manager of
Centre de Datation par le RadioCarbone
UMR 5138 : Archéométrie et Archéologie
40, boulevard Niels Bohr
CNRS/ TGIR Huma-Num -
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Example of a quote from Banadora
Datation(s) extracted from BaNaDoRa database (French National Radiocarbone database/Banque Nationale de Données Radiocarbone) (consulted at 12th July 2020)
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Datation(s) extracted from BaNaDoRa database (French National Radiocarbone database/Banque Nationale de Données Radiocarbone) (consulted at 12th July 2020)<br><a href="">CNRS</a> − <a href="">INSHS</a> − <a href=""></a>